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NazSafe Training and Background Check

Louisiana District Church of the Nazarene – NazSafe Information & Policy

Here is a link to info that will be helpful. It includes a lot of info and videos. Please check out all the links, you can share the information and the videos with the board and leadership. It should answer any questions you have, and if not contact the district office. To request NazSafe Training please send name and email address to or contact the District Office at 3185541-6550. NazSafe Training must be updated every two years.


Why NazSafe Training?

The Zero Tolerance Policy

The Church of the Nazarene has adopted a zero tolerance policy for sexual misconduct and inappropriate behavior with minors. All workers, leaders, and pastoral staff are to be above reproach in their conduct and to act in the best interest of others. This requires not only that they themselves refrain from engaging in any abusive or suspicious behavior involving minors; they will also be required to report without delay to the proper authorities anyone seen engaging in such behavior. ~ The Board of General Superintendents

The Louisiana District has adopted the policy recommendation of the Board of General Superintendents in all aspects including behavior, training and reporting. We expect / require all local churches to provide background check and training to anyone who has access to minors (those under the age of 18) and that adequate records of their training be maintained. This is best done through the NazSafe Training program and a nationwide background check. ~ The District Advisory Board, Louisiana District


Background checks can be requested and completed by the District Office. Go too and download the Background Check Form, forward it to the district office and we will process and return the completed check to the local church. NazSafe Training is available by request from the district office. This training is video based, requires the completion of a quiz after viewing the videos. This training is provide by the district for use by the local churches. There is a $5.00 per person charge for the NazSafe Training that is billed to the church upon completion of the training. NazSafe Training is available and required of all who participate in District Events.


Thank you for helping us insure that all are protected and that the church continues to be a safe place for ministry, compassion and caring service.


Dr. Chuck Fountain, District Superintendent

1275 Dorchester Dr. Alexandria, LA 71303

(318) 541-6550 | 

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